As a Distributor of office, school and graphic materials and the Producer of graphic products, Grafotisak has a bold commitment and respect towards our employees and their accomplishments, towards our clients and partners whilst respecting their wishes and needs, towards the business we run and very importantly, towards the environment we live and operate in. This is also what makes us sustainable – our people, our business and our environment.
On a daily basis and in all of our processes, Grafotisak is recognised by its commitment to quality: meeting our employees needs on quality, meeting our customers and partners on their needs on quality, and finally, meeting the needs of the environment on quality. In order to meet all of these, we have developed and implemented the Integrated Management System in Grafotisak which includes and covers all systems and international standards we have implemented in Grafotisak and committed to during years, as it follows: Quality Management Systems, ISO 9001:2015; Environmental Management Systems, ISO 14001:2015; and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, ISO 45001:2018. We commit and continuously strive to deliver outstanding quality of our products and services, and as within these 40 years of our work, we will continue doing our best.FSC® CHAIN OF CUSTODY
Within Integrated Management System in Grafotisak, as well we have developed and implemented the Forest Stewardship Council® Chain of Custody, in accordance to international standard FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1. Within our FSC® (FSC-C110418) Chain of Custody system we promote responsible use of forest resources, and we will continue promoting the use of FSC® certified materials in the process of Production of graphic products to be confident that the paper used is from sustainably sourced materials.TRANSFORMING PRODUCTION
Alongside with commitment to customers and successful business partnership, and in order to follow dynamic market of printing industry, we are very much aware of the importance of the technology we use in our production processes. Grafotisak has been always in step with latest technological achievements when it comes to production of graphic products and we will give our best to continue doing so; from introducing various new processes of automation to further automation and general development of the process of Production of graphic products. We commit to constantly investing and exploring into new machines and new approaches both, in distribution and production that will bring positive impact on our sustainability goals as well.OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY
We hold great sense of gratitude and appreciation for all of our employees, and on daily basis we give our best in ensuring that our people feel safe and are safe at their working places. As well, we strive to the positive work environment and we are committed to managing our social impacts in a responsible way. Health and Safety is always a priority; from use of personal protective equipment, safe machinery and tools, over operating instructions to safe physical features at the work place. We commit to provide our employees with a safe and healthy workplace in according with all applicable laws and regulations, and to respect internationally recognised labour and human rights standards, whilst at the same time taking all necessary steps to ensure prevention of injuries and accidents that may arise during their work in Grafotisak, including trainings on health and safety at work and fire protection, together with safe chemicals handling and disposal. With support and involvement of our employees, we will ensure that all working spaces are clean, safe and fit for purposes.ENVIRONMENT
Together with our people and the business we run, in centre of our processes and activities is always the environment we operate in, and most importantly the responsibility we have towards the environment. In frames of sustainable development and towards achieving our sustainability goals, now more than ever, we have to commit ourselves to prevent and reduce as much as possible negative aspects that our work and operations might have on the environment. Therefore, we are committed to manage our environmental impacts in a responsible way, with special focus on water use, waste generation and management, energy consumption and Green House Gas emissions, particularly on CO2 emissions. We commit to continue actively work on rational water use and waste segregation based on waste type, to facilitate recycling and correct onward disposal, including safe chemicals handling and responsible disposal. Also, we commit to set targets and implement actions whenever applicable to reduce environmental impacts when it comes to energy consumption. We will continue working on finding solutions to reduce our emissions and strengthen our climate action and reporting as we progress on our decarbonation journey. Alongside with this, we believe that by offering and promoting more environmentally friendly products and services to our customers is a right way to go. Walk with us the path to sustainability in making choices that ensure better way of life for future generations!