In line with the initial vision of a successful business future, in the entire stage of our own corporate development we have been led by the idea of socially responsible business. We are fully aware of the meaning of the term of the responsibility, and we can say that we are with deep understanding implementing it in accordance with our works’ philosophy. Said in simple vocabulary – we are responsible but reasonably, we show it through specific aspects of our own business.

When it is about the company’s climate, we consider that we gave a great contribution to the working environment of our employees by making a code of ethics. With constant investments into resources of development of a quality working environment we are giving our maximum in order to create a feeling of security amongst all of our employees.

Due to our business complexity, we consider important to emphasize our attitude towards practice of the environmental protection that we have implemented in all phases of business processes and in our work, as a whole. By using experience and gained knowledge, on a daily basis we are working on reducing and preventing negative impacts on the environment, whilst at the same time respecting relevant legal requirements. In accordance to the stated, we purchase the raw materials for production from the paper factories that provenly get cellulose for paper from controlled planting. Waste management is based on the concept of “Null Abfall” (zero waste). Management system of the mentioned business segments is confirmed by certificates ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and FSC® CoC, with certificate ISO 9001:2015 which confirms developed quality management system.

Being aware of the importance of philanthropic responsibility, meaning on the impact on the community as a whole, we will continue to corporately move into the same direction. We consider the contribution to the ecologically sustainable development as a leading idea on our path towards success.


Using latest technology, whilst at the same time respecting the environment. Certificates we hold are reflection of our commitment to the quality!